Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Wonders of Suspension Gel Technology

In these days of fast, convenient foods to suit the modern lifestyle is it any wonder that people are becoming more and more overfed yet nutrient deficient?With both parents of many families needing to work there just isn't time to prepare healthy meals using fresh ingredients. The average diet consists of an excess of processed food substitutes so people aren't getting anything like the essential nutrition their bodies need in order to remain healthy and fit. Many turn to pills or capsules to supplement their daily intake of vitamins, nutrients and antioxidants. Unfortunately most of these pills contain synthetic nutrients and, worse still, in the manufacturing process they are compressed under hundreds of pounds of pressure. As a result it is almost impossible for the body to break them down so they pass through the system without having provided any benefit.

Concerned by the ever growing numbers of people throughout the world that do not eat a healthy diet, scientists have been searching for a better way to supplement our intake of vitamins, nutrients and antioxidants rather than the traditional pill. Now a breakthrough has been made with the discovery and development of an amazing new process known as Suspension Gel Technology. In the short time since its genesis it has already begun to revolutionize the wellness industry. The simple ideas are often the most life-changing and there is no doubt Suspension Gel Technology falls into this category of new inventions. It is so blindingly obvious that this is a superior delivery mechanism than pills we are left to wonder why it has only recently been discovered.

So what is Suspension Gel Technology? The clue is in the name. It is the process of suspending vitamins, minerals and antioxidants in a gel matrix. Individual doses of the gel containing accurately measured levels of the nutrients are supplied in convenient, handy, portable quarter ounce packs meaning that they can be taken any time, anywhere which is not always the case with pills or capsules. The nutrients all come from natural sources and have been developed into a number of specialized gels that each have different benefits to the body. There are gels to aid weight loss, to supplement the intake of vitamins and minerals, to provide daily boosts of energy and focus, to help maintain healthy joints, to aid in the promotion of healthy white blood cells and to fight free radicals thus slowing down the aging process. A more recent addition is a gel that helps maintain healthy levels of cholesterol, fuels the myocardial system and helps protect the heart.

There are three critical factors that influence the efficiency of any nutritional supplements a person takes. The factors are:

1) Properly timed ingestion

2) Correct quantities of nutritional components

3) High bioavailability of the nutrients. Suspension gel Technology accomplishes all three of these factors. Because the gel packs are portable and contain carefully measured levels of nutrients they can be taken at the most beneficial time such as with a meal thus magnifying the absorption and utilisation of each nutrient.

Each ingredient suspended in gel contains nutrients that have different and specific methods of absorption along the gastorintestinal tract. For most of these nutrients, the primary location for absorption is in the small intestine. By suspending nutrients in a gel, all are readily available to be digested and absorbed in the gastorintestinal tract thus providing maximum benefit.

So it would seem pills, capsule, powders and juices are set to become a thing of the past thanks to the introduction of this breakthrough process known as Suspension Gel Technology. It is still very much in its infancy but as further research takes place and the benefits become more widely known there is likely to be a rapid expansion of the product line because the potential uses of Suspension Gel Technology are endless. It is indeed set to totally revolutionize the already enormous wellness industry.           

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