Sunday, October 23, 2011

Looking for a Job in IT or Technology? Recruitment Consultants Can Help

In the 21st Century, the IT and Technology industry is probably one of the fastest growing sectors, not only in the UK but worldwide, why? Because every job requires a computer, at some level and every business runs a website. Added on top of these notions, are the facts that more and more regular people are using the internet to connect with each other and companies.

As a result of this sharp rise in IT and Technology-based jobs, more and more individuals are seeking to undertake College and University courses, in the hope of working in this high-volume and high waged profession.

Unfortunately, this influx of students means that whilst the number of job in this industry, is on the rise very quickly, the number of people applying for each single job, is of course, also increasing, at a perhaps even faster rate.

Therefore, a bigger industry does not guarantee a job, as everyone else has the same idea.

Recruitment Consultants take a lot of flack, these days, for a multitude of reasons, but if you are trying to take your first steps into the Technology and IT industries, then they could be more useful that you've been led to believe.

1. They have the best contacts, and they are not afraid to use them, as much as they can, to help you find that ever-important job

2. Just because a company that you want to work for, isn't advertising, doesn't mean that there aren't any job going, and they may be able to get you in there, even if it's only on a temporary basis

3. No matter how amazing your qualifications are, nothing will ever beat having valuable experience, and with their help, a Consultant could have you temping for anyone from a huge IT firm, to the local Accountants IT Department. Remember, experience in your field is still experience, even if it's not for a long period, and not even for a company that specialises in it. As long as they have an IT Department, and give us a company that doesn't, you'll do fine.

4. Despite everything that is said about them, Recruitment Consultants, know their industry. They know how to approach job interviews, and even how to approach a certain Manager. Of course, it's all in the training, but they can ensure that you go in there, knowing exactly what to do, and what you want to gain.           

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