Monday, October 24, 2011

CPA Review - How to Pass the CPA Exam Section (BEC) That Covers Information Technology (IT)

IT topics are a pain for an accountant to learn. I understand why they test them on the CPA Exam, but the examiners go overboard with the depth of the IT questions. They test you on IT topics that you will probably never need to know and couldn't care less about as an accountant. Regardless, you have to be able to answer the questions, so it's best to figure out a way to learn the material.

Reading about IT topics is an extreme bore, even for the CPA Exam. When I passed BEC and had to tackle the IT topics head-on, I found that the best way to learn the material is actually very simple: do every single IT question in your Business Environment and Concepts book. When you do the questions, be sure to read the answer to not only the correct option, but also why the others are wrong. Each questions has four learning opportunities.

If possible, work these questions as close to your exam day as possible so that they will be fresh in your mind. Again, this sounds very simplistic but it was one of the keys to my success on BEC after failing it three previous times.

This section gives many CPA Exam candidates problems because the IT section isn't theory-based or computation-driven. You simply just need to "know" this information.

If you understand the topics covered in this study guide, you stand an excellent chance of doing well on IT questions on Exam Day.

Remember: BEC is not an adaptive exam.

If the questions seem like they are getting harder on your exam as you encounter each testlet, it's a coincidence.           

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